Carolina Shag

Carolina Shag is a partnered dance, danced primarily to beach music in 4/4 time. The dance is danced in a slot with a rhythm close to Swing. There an emphasis on improvisation. The term “Carolina Shag” is thought to have originated in Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina in the 1940s....


Bolero originated in Spain in the late 18th century as a form of ballroom music. The rhythm is related to a slow son, another genre of Cuban music that influenced Rumba. Bolero is believed to have evolved from Afro-Cuban and Spanish folk dances such as Danzon, Beguine, and Fandango. The...


Created in the Dominican Republic in the first half of the 20th century, Bachata music and dancing emerged together with the influence of Bolero and Son music and dancing. Bachata is danced to 4/4 time music featuring a requinto guitar, bass, guira, and bongo drums. At dance socials, bachata is...

Argentine Tango

Primarily danced in 2/4 time, the Argentine Tango music is more varied than Ballroom Tango and played by an orchestra of musicians. The dance has the characteristic element of the close embrace which feels like a relaxed hug rather than a firm frame. Argentine Tango is a dance where there...