Salsa’s origins come primarily from “Son” music, originally played by African Slaves mixed with Spanish musicians. Salsa is a fast and spicy dance with many turns, spins, and shines (fancy footwork). It can be danced with partnerwork with two dancers dancing together, or the dance can be danced apart as...
Nightclub Two Step
Nightclub Two Step, sometimes known as Disco Two Step or California Two Step was developed by Buddy Schwimmer in the 1960s. It was known as a Disco couples dance. Nightclub Two Step is characterized by a 5th position break and large side step in a relaxed dance hold. Nightclub is...
Merengue is the national dance of the Dominican Republic, originating in the 1800s. Merengue is an easy and fun dance where a dancer steps on every beat of the music. The music is in 4/4 time, featuring acoustic instrumentation, especially the guitar and accordion. The dance has a marching feel...
The Hustle is a catchall name that refers to several popular disco dances from the 1970s. The Hustle is danced in 4/4 time but counted in “threes”. When Hustle was introduced, it was danced to slower disco music, but as the style became more popular in nightclubs and Discotheques in...
Created in the Dominican Republic in the first half of the 20th century, Bachata music and dancing emerged together with the influence of Bolero and Son music and dancing. Bachata is danced to 4/4 time music featuring a requinto guitar, bass, guira, and bongo drums. At dance socials, bachata is...